Gaby Mammone – Inspirational Speaker

Be Part of a Kindness Movement!


You are invited to be part of a kindness movement that spreads kindness by connecting humans.  All ages are welcome to participate.  We embrace diversity and inclusion.  It takes all of us to create a better world, now and for generations to come.  It all starts with being aware and taking the opportunities to be kind. 

When you perform an act of kindness, tell us on social media and use the hashtag, #BeAwareBeKind.

Please submit your video below.  If you are under the age of 18, please ensure a parent/guardian completes this form. 


Showcase Your Organization or Group and Become a #BeAwareBeKind Sponsor!

The kindness movement is a voluntary initiative organized by Gaby Mammone and Kind Projects.  All costs associated with #BeAwareBeKind including the assembly of the video and marketing initiatives are funded by Gaby.  If you would like to partner and become a #BeAwareBeKind sponsor, please contact us.  Opportunities are available to showcase your organization.  Let’s chat!